Monday, January 25, 2010

New Life Hospice Why Might People Disagree With The Hospice Philosophy Of End-of-life Care?

Why might people disagree with the hospice philosophy of end-of-life care? - new life hospice

Not so long as the idea of hospice was controversial. Many doctors consider the still incurable disease of an error. In fact, I am a doctor tell if I tried, had received rules for patients in palliative care routine: "They are trying to kill my patients." Many people, including doctors, have the impression that these patients in medical care, so that hastens death. The fact that most palliative care patients find that they are taking less medication after admission to the residence they previously held. It is a way to the hospital patients feel better - to take the medicines the patients feel sick! At least one study has shown that patients with similar diagnoses and prognoses tend to live longer with hospice. Sometimes our patients to recover to the point that needs to be removed from the hospital. This is partly due to the good care that provides palliative care. Hospice provides intensive medical care, emotional and spiritual. Hospice is not to die for all patients. Many patients want theirDisease treated aggressively and fight like hell with all that medicine offers. It is good practice, and it is with People's Choice of health care are in line. If you are determined to fight to the end have a choice. Those who want comfort in his final years, months and weeks should have the choice. Hospice of the major ethical concerns of beneficence and autonomy.

1 comment:

LRM said...

The Catholic religion says that it is immoral to life regardless of the amount of pain to an end.

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