Monday, January 11, 2010

Infective Colitis Why Is It Bad To Give Someone With Infective Colitis Steroids?

Why is it bad to give someone with infective colitis steroids? - infective colitis

If some 1has anemia noromochromic / normocytic, then your problem, infectious colitis, or IBD, but it must be the cause b4 TX main deterministic, because steroids (EIA) is bad for infectious colitis "I just havent the link to explain why steroids enhance infectious colitis. ..


ckm1956 said...

You have done wrong. There are several reasons why a person normochromic / normocytic anemia, in addition to their list.

For infectious colitis, I assume you mean colitis caused by C. difficult. Appropriate treatment is metronidazole (orally or intravenously) or vancomycin () only orally.

ckm1956 said...

You have done wrong. There are several reasons why a person normochromic / normocytic anemia, in addition to their list.

For infectious colitis, I assume you mean colitis caused by C. difficult. Appropriate treatment is metronidazole (orally or intravenously) or vancomycin () only orally.

Bellicos... said...

Steroids suppress the immune system and the immune system is needed to fight infection. Therefore, everything that is bad for the fight against the disease.

However, steroids are good for reducing inflammation, making it almost a Catch-22 "is good, but evil. Low-dose steroids, could be a good idea.

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